

The application process requires proposal by a current financial Ordinary member of ANZSRS. Applications cannot progress without a proposer. If an applicant does not have a proposer, an ANZSRS regional chair can act as a proposer. To contact a Regional Chair, please refer to regions section for email addresses here.

Additional documentation required for Ordinary and Associate membership:

  • Current resumé
  • Certified* copies of qualifications

*Copies of qualifications must be certified by an authorised witness (e.g. Justice of the Peace, or a Head Scientist of a Respiratory Laboratory provided they are a current financial member of ANZSRS) after they have sighted the document. The certifying person must –

  • Write “This is a true copy of the original documents sighted by me”
  • Sign and print their name (including ANZSRS membership number for Head Scientists)
  • Write on the copy the date certified

The application, along with supporting documentation should be forwarded to the ANZSRS Secretariat as detailed at end of application form page. In case of difficulty, the Secretariat may be contacted directly for assistance.

ANZSRS Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee.  Applicants should read the ANZSRS constitution (Clauses 1 and 5.5 in particular) to ensure they understand their legal obligations as a member of ANZSRS Ltd.