
Do you have experience delivering spirometry training? Have you facilitated, or are interested in facilitating spirometry training for First Nations learners? Would you like to learn more about how to provide a culturally safe and supportive learning environment in First Nations learners? Are you willing to give 4 hours of time, spread out over several weeks?

If so, you may be interested in participating in a pilot Train-the-Spirometry-Trainer Program (TSTP) designed to support facilitators in the Indigenous Health Worker Spirometry Training and Mentoring Program (IHWSTP). The IHWSTP was developed specifically for First Nations health workers performing spirometry in their communities. As such it is designed to be culturally responsive to the learning needs of First Nations learners and conducted in a safe learning environment. Although spirometry training is part of our role as experienced respiratory physiologists, few of us are given any guidance in the importance of culturally responsive training methods for this group of health professionals. The TSANZ Rob Pierce Grant-in-Aid has provided us with the opportunity to develop and deliver a program to support our colleagues in delivering training to First Nations learners. The objective of the TSTP is to help spirometry trainers gain skills and knowledge in creating culturally responsive spirometry learning environments. TSTP will increase the capacity for the IHWSTP to be delivered across Australia and New Zealand in response to increasing demand for training First Nations health professionals.

We would be delighted to have you participate in this pilot program. Further detailed information is provided in the Participant Consent Form and Participant Information Statement. If you are interested in participating, please sign and return the consent form by the 1 August 2024 to Leanne Rodwell (email: [email protected]). Your involvement is much appreciated.