ANZSRS offers a number of grants to enable and encourage attendance and presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting each year. The grant may be used to fund registration, airfares, accommodation or a combination of these.
The guidelines and application forms can be found on the Member’s Portal when the Grant application period is open.
ABN: 62 096 524 191
Contact Info
PO Box 1346 Mitcham North, Victoria 3132, Australia
+61 3 8393 9384
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of lands, seas and waters throughout Australia, and pay respect to Elders past, present and future. We recognise that health and social and emotional well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are grounded in continuous connection to culture, country, language and community.
E mihi nei mātou ki te tangata whenua - ki ngā hapū me ngā iwi Māori kua roa e noho nei hei kaitiaki i ngā whenua me ngā wai huri i Aotearoa. E whakaae nei mātou, me aro ngā pou katoa o te oranga Māori, otirā, te oranga ā-tinana, ā-hinengaro, ā-wairua, ā-whānau, ka mutu, he mea titi ēnei ki ngā hononga whai tikanga ki te ao Māori, tae pū atu ki te reo me ōna tikanga, ki te ahurea, ki ngā whenua, ki ngā whānau, ki ngā hapū, ki ngā iwi anō hoki.
We acknowledge Māori as tangata whenua who have long served as the traditional custodians of the lands and waters throughout Aotearoa. We recognise that Māori health requires a holistic approach that considers physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing, and furthermore, that these are contingent upon meaningful connection to the Māori world, in particular, to the language and customs, culture, lands, whānau, hapū and iwi.